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April Updates


A Night Out On The Town

April seemed to go really fast, especially with the school holidays falling at the end of the month.

This month I took the team out to see the "Laughing Samoan's". What a crack up these two blokes are! I haven't laughed this much ...in along time! If you get the opportunity to see them, go because they are soooo funny.

With Alli and Daniel joining our team I thought it would be  a good time to engage in a bit of team bonding. A few drinks and nibbles at my house to kick the night off before shuttling into town.

After the show a couple of night clubs and then a midnight munch before taxiing home. Here are a few of the better pics taken on the night....the others are a little messy to put up.

In-Salon Training with Emma

This months training the team wanted to be more proficient with clients wanting to go from dark to lighter hair. Carmelita wanted to change her hair color and go blond therefore a good candidate.

Emma advised Carmelita that several applications would be required and that the desired result may take several applications. Be aware going from dark to light is not a quick process and it can be costly. Carmelita understood that whilst the desired result would not be achieved, that her hair colour would be manageable until next months training where we will continue to lighten her hair further.

In the past I have blogged how difficult this process is, as it requires an experienced person who knows what they're doing. More can go wrong if you opt to do it yourself and it often does because of the time and different levels of shades that you have to go through to get the desired result. NB: Note the pics.

I'm Qualified...by Carmelita

What a journey, it's taken me 9 years to finally become qualified! It was going to happen working for my parents and having them behind me pushing me to get qualified. But I was soon to be reminded what it was like to be offered lollies and then have them taken away. As an incentive they offered to pay for my studies, as long as I kept passing my units then they'd pick up the cost. That was until I failed 1 of my assessments and then the offer was off the table and I then had to pick up the bill....bugger!!

When I came to Salon Villair I had two units to complete. The first was a in salon assessment based on health & safety and customer service. Yippee, I passed! The second a 2 x 3 hour and 1 hour practical assessment. The three units comprised of (1) Hair up (2) Cut, perm & set (3) Cut, colour and blow wave. This was one of the most nerve wracking and stressful experiences I have ever endured. I passed the hair up component but failed small aspects of 2 & 3 due to my own 'silliness' of not following guidelines.

It's not a nice feeling to 'fail'. I went through some emotional barriers of feeling inadequate. But thanks to my support team, my parents and Kat for edging me along and not to give up! It's nearing a month since I sat my finals and I feel like a lot of weight has come off me. But I also feel more equipped professionally knowing that I have got my National Certificate in Hairdressing.
Congratulations you've run the course and put the hard effort into achieving your success.
It's the result of working hard, preparation and learning from failure

John, Ann, Kat & Alli


We've got a hair & makeup workshop coming up in June. If you want a refresher in how to use your ghd or you'd like to see how the wands are used or to have a one on one makeup consultation with Dan, come along.

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